Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Not-So-Daily-Entry Thingy the 8th: OMG, MAH FILOFAX!!!! (You've been warned. ;) )

 OK, SO, I got my Filofax today! AND I LOVE IT!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Unfortunately, due to extenuating circumstances, OUT of my control, this post will be shorter, and TOMORROW, the REAL posts begin. ;) SO, to start, the person who sold me this Filofax, which is a personal Amazona in Almond, told me it would be kind of...squishy?, maybe. I was NOT prepared! OMG, the softness of the leather is CRAZY! XD And it's squishy, too! And the color!
So, it's a REALLY difficult color to catch on camera, and I SUCK at photography, BUT, this should give you an idea! <3
Like I said, I am IN LOVE with the color of this thing! <3 (Kind of looks like old bone, which, weirdly, I love. o.O XD) The pockets are pretty freaking nice, except for one or two cards I have. (But that might be a warning from some higher power to stop carrying my life with me! XD ;) )
 Like I said, I will be doing a MUCH more in depth analysis of it tomorrow, but, for now, I'm off to play and set it up! (And try to find a name for it. >.> Don't look at me in that tone! XD )
 P.S. When it opens, it doesn't really lie flat, but I like that, because if it did that, I'd constantly be dropping it from surprise. -_- So, yeah. XD

Friday, May 3, 2013

Daily Entry Thingy the 7th: When you have nothing to say. :/

 So, I almost LITERALLY have nothing to say. And yet, I want to say something. o.O Ah, what a conundrum. So, I'll talk about the forge. :) My father ordered a forge a little while back, because he wants to learn blacksmithing. When it came in, he was super excited, and immediately began testing. Well, then it rained. And rained. And rained. And then it rained some more. And now FINALLY we've had some warm, sunny days. So dad's been out there, practicing making nails and the like.
 Also, my nephew. :) He's SOO cute! <3 He's about 9 months old, already trying to walk, and tries to talk, and he's SUCH a butt, but he's SO cute. :) He's such a cutey-pie, and just does the most adorable things! ^_^ My niece is much the same, only 7 months, and not QUITE where my nephew is. :) She's so precious though, because now that she can crawl, SHE wants to do all the things HE can do. XD Ah, kids. ^_^ Too cute. :3 <3


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily Entry Thingy the 6th: Ramblings! XD

 So, I'm trying to learn to draw digitally. On MS Paint. >.> ....-_- No comment. XD Also, I have a theory, that cannot be disproved! My theory is that time does not truly exist, and that it is a purely man-made invention. :) At least, that's my theory. XD ^_^

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Daily Entry Thingy the 5th, although it's supposed to be the 6th. XD

So, I'm sick. XP I HATE getting sick, especially when it involves my nose getting all stuffy/runny. -_- When I get sick, I'm SUPER tired all the time, and don't want to do anything, like, at all. This leads to me being sad, which doesn't help, especially when I drop my ramen in the garbage disposal. XP So sad making. T_T Anywho, that's enough rambling for me. -_-


Monday, April 29, 2013

Daily Entry Thingy the Fourth: Writing, and when you can't think of anything. :(

 So, the title to this may sound a little counterintuitive(<-Sp???), but stands for itself. As I've mentioned, I like to write. (Or, at least, I HOPE I mentioned it. XD) Anywho, I find that, on occasion, I develope what is commonly referred to as Writers Block. (I just call it annoying. XP XD) For me, the problem can persist for days, for no discernable reason at all. And, for me, as far as I've noted, there's no way to stop it. :/ It just....happens, and the only choice I'm left with is to ride it out. Which is a sad day. :( That's what I'm facing as I write this. :(


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Daily Entry part duex?! XD : Entering contests, and the things you can learn playing Scavenger Hunt.

So, I know I've mentioned, quite a lot, that I'm getting a filofax. (Woot! XD) Well, I found Imysworld  (OK, my friend pointed her out to me. Thank you!!!!), and she's having a contest for stationary give-aways and what not! XD So, I finally decided to enter. :) It was fun, and, as childish as this sounds, almost like a huge Scavenger Hunt. XD Ahahaha!!!! XD I found something she said really interesting, though. She was talking about something called Androgen Insensitivity, which means, VERY basically, that she is feminine, and, presumably, a woman, but has male chromozomes. It was very interesting, because I have something called Turner Syndrome. www.tssus.org <- They've got lot's of info. :3 But, Turner Syndrome can only be developed by women, and what happens is the secondary sex chromozome (AKA, the whole XX, XY thing you learned in high school bio. XD), doesn't form, or if it does, it's only partially formed. For example, I have what's referred to as genetic mosaicism, which means I have X partial X, X and no X, XX, and XY(<- Which are lovingly referred to as my boy bits. lol! XD). (My genes decided to throw a party, I guess. XD) Anyways, what  that means is that, because the second sex chromozome is jiggered, there's a tendency to be short, and not develope secondary sex characteristics. (IE; Boobs, hips, etc.) Also, women with Turners tend to have amenorrhea, and, in cases like mine, must have their ovaries and flopian tubes, such as they may be, removed, because of an increased risk of gonadal blastoma. (Ovarian cancer) As such, reproduction in the usual way is usually impossible. (I mean they can't produce their own eggs. There, that one. XP) Also, because the second sex chromozome is tied to the heart and height gene, women with Turner's are at a higher risk for heart problems, and are usally a lot shorter then their peers. (Growth Hormone Therapy can kinda of fix that. :) ) But, it was just really interesting, because, while I understand clinically that there is surely more then ONE type of disorder like Turners, it was mind blowing to actually hear about it.

Daily Entry Thingy the Third: The Sketchbook Project.

 So, I like to draw. Or, rather, ATTEMPT to draw. >.> :)  Well, eventually I learned about this thing, called The Sketchbook Project. The idea is that you spend about $20-30 dollars for the basic stuff, and they send you the sketchbook. It's supper cute! <3 XD But, I digress. Anywho, the idea is you have about a year to fill this thing, with whatever you want: Sketches, pictures, poems, and the like. Then you send it back to them, and it goes on tour. :) BUT, you have to pick a theme, from a list of provided themes. :3 ^_^ You can deviate from that theme, but, overall, it's supposed to deal with your chosen theme. XD <-(For whatever reason, I can never spell chosen right. o.O XD) So, I was like: "Wow, that sounds like a LOT of fun! I wanna try this!" And when I got paid, I signed myself and a friend up for it. :) Then....she started showing me youtube videos. ....>.> Now I'm not so sure it was a good idea. XP XD The people I saw just have SO much talent! (Seriosuly, they were AMAZING!) So, I haven't made a whole lot of progress on it. XP I think, though, that I'm gonna start trying to work on it.
(So, this the Sketchbook. I would have put a blank one, but...>.> I didn't take a picture of it then. XD)
(This is the cover now. :) My theme is "Say Words Out Loud", so my book is called "Words to say".)
So, that's what the Sketchbook Project is about! <3 ^_^ If you like, check'em out at www.sketchbookproject.com . :)